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Pancakes with Meat


It is hardly known that pancakes have its origin in Hungary. Some counties, like Hortobagy county for example, have their own specialty of it, but still this flavourful and favourite dish has been spread all over the world.


60 min

Portion for



Great tip: Choose the ingredients you already have and find out which ones you're missing. Let that help you decide what to cook.


  1. Sauté shortly onion, finely chopped, in the hot oil in a skillet.
  2. Add minced meat and sauté it well, stir in a red paprika and continue to sauté pouring under water if needed.
  3. Add paprika and peeled tomato to the half soften meat (all diced), finely chopped garlic, pinch of salt and Vegeta.
  4. At the end stir in flour whisked with 2 tablespoons of sour cream, shortly boil over, than chill a little.
  5. Fill hot pancakes with the prepared stuffing, fold them in the form of small pillows or in some other way.
  6. In the same skillet heat regular cream and leftovers of sour cream; part of it pour into an ovenproof dish. Arrange pancakes on it and pour over the remaining cream. Put in the oven and shortly bake.


Pancakes like this you may bread and fry in the oil and serve with sour cream. By adding flour and cream into the meat stuffing you’ll have more compact mixture as well as an additional aroma.


Pancakes with Meat decorte with sliced paprika and serve hot.

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