
The strength of Podravka’s brands and innovations are fundamental prerequisites for the company’s progress and profitability.

Our main focus is on recognizing the needs and desires of consumers and customers, and implementing technological solutions to meet those needs in our efforts to ensure and maintain the aforementioned.

Through daily research and information gathering, often in collaboration with the scientific research community, we identify and test new technologies, adopting those that enable the creation of high-quality products. We pay special attention to excellence and maximum preservation of flavor, nutritional value, and product usability.

By directing our efforts towards innovation throughout all processes during product development, we create, foster, and maintain added value to Podravka’s products. The introduction of new technologies enables more efficient management of raw materials and energy, creating conditions for operating according to the principles of sustainable development.

Research and Development Semi-Industrial Laboratory

Established in 2008, the Research and Development Semi-Industrial Laboratory is the only laboratory of its kind in the region. The primary advantages of such a laboratory for Podravka include:

Ensuring top quality,

Shortening the time required to bring a new product to market,

Reducing costs through smaller batches for trial production.

In addition to serving Podravka’s needs, the pilot laboratory is an ideal place for research and development projects, graduate and postgraduate theses, and education.

For additional inquiries related to our laboratory, please contact us via email at